Know about a crime?
Report your anonymous tip to:
316-267-2111 or
Online or
Through Our Free Mobile App
For Crimes in Progress call 9-1-1
Cash Rewards Up To $2,500
Who qualifies for a Crime Stoppers Reward?
If a Crime Stoppers tip leads to an arrest of an individual involved a felony crime, then the provider of that tip may receive a cash reward. Reward amounts range from $50 to $2500, depending upon the nature of the crime and the significance of the information provided by the caller. Rewards are distributed via code number at a prearranged location. The police are NEVER involved. Your identity will NEVER be known or revealed.
Who is NOT Eligible to Receive a Reward Payment
Victims of crimes
Witnesses of crimes who have either identified themselves or been identified by law enforcement or the media as a Crime Stoppers tipster before a reward is paid to that person.
Tipsters who identify themselves in any way, even to law enforcement, either before or after providing a tip to Crime Stoppers, but before receiving their reward.
The person or persons who committed or were otherwise involved in the planning or commission of the crime or, at anytime, harbored or concealed the person(s) responsible.
Policy for Reward Payment of Anonymous Tips
The following shall be the policy of Crime Stoppers of Wichita-Sedgwick County, a division of the Wichita Metro Crime Commission, regarding the payment of rewards for anonymous tips submitted. In order to be eligible for a reward for a tip, tipsters must comply with the following guidelines.
Tipsters must always remain anonymous. This is for the tipster’s safety. If a tipster has identified himself or herself to any law enforcement officer or the public, either before or after submitting their tip but before a reward payment can be made to the tipster, that person will not be eligible for a reward from Crime Stoppers of Wichita-Sedgwick County.
If the tipster is a victim of a crime, he or she is not eligible to receive a reward for information about the crime.
If the tipster witnessed a crime and contacts Crime Stoppers of Wichita-Sedgwick County with information about the crime, it is possible that person may or may not be eligible for a reward. This is because Crime Stoppers of Wichita-Sedgwick County may not be able to protect the tipster’s anonymity. As a witness to a crime, if the tipster is identified by law enforcement or the media as a Crime Stoppers tipster before a reward is paid to that person, that person will not be eligible for a reward.
When a tipster submits a tip, that person will be given a Crime Stoppers secret code number. This number becomes that person’s identity with Crime Stoppers. In order to have two-way communication with Crime Stoppers after submitting the tip, the tipster must identify himself or herself with the secret number or Crime Stoppers will not talk with that person.
Tips can be submitted to Crime Stoppers of Wichita-Sedgwick County in three ways that are all anonymous:
By calling 316-267-2111. The operator the tipster speaks with will assign the tipster a secret number.
By visiting https://www.p3tips.com/tipform.aspx?ID=217. After the tipster has filled out the information form about the crime and submitted a tip, that tip’s secret number will appear on the tipster’s computer screen.
Through our free P3 mobile app available through the App Store for Apple devices or Google Play for Android devices.
If the tipster’s information results in an arrest, the tipster will be eligible for a reward. The tipster can only claim his or her reward if he or she can present the secret number to the banking institution where the tipster is instructed to claim his or her reward. The tipster will be given a day, time and phone number by the Crime Stoppers Coordinator to call to keep abreast of the status of his or her tip. That number should be written down and kept in a safe place so that it is not lost. If a tipster loses his or her secret number, he or she will not be given the number a second time. The tipster must check in with the Crime Stoppers Coordinator by phone or through the chat function of the online form or app to determine whether a reward will be paid, and if so, the status of that reward.
The amount of the tipster’s reward will be determined by the Crime Stoppers Advisory Committee and is based on criteria established by the Committee.
In order to collect a reward, the tipster must present him or herself and his or her secret number to the bank assigned to that person by the Crime Stoppers Coordinator. Rewards will only be paid in cash and on tips leading to felony arrests unless public safety and the purpose of the Crime Stoppers program is best served.
If the tipster cannot produce his or her secret number, he or she will not be eligible for a reward.
The tipster must claim his or her reward within six (6) months of the date that he or she was notified that the reward was ready to be claimed. Otherwise, the reward will be forfeited.
Terms of Use:
Crime Stoppers accepts tips and information about crimes in order to solve or prevent such crimes. Users who communicate their own criminal acts to Crime Stoppers are not considered to be Crime Stoppers tipsters; are not eligible for rewards; are not immune from prosecution; and are excepted from the promise of anonymity.
Crime Stoppers of Wichita-Sedgwick County cannot be responsible for how our reward is stated by other parties such as newspapers and the electronic media.