Name: Marcus Amador
Age: 29
Race/Sex: Blk/Male
Height: 5ft 10in
Weight: 180
Hair/Eye: Blk/Bro
Scars/Marks/Tattoos: N/A
Marcus Amador is wanted by the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office for the charge of FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH OFFENDER REGISTRATION STATUTE. He is a SEX OFFENDER last known to be living in the Wichita Kansas area. Anyone with information on the location of this person or any other wanted person or about ANY CRIME is urged to contact the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office Offender Registration Unit at (316)660-3939 or Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office website WWW.SEDGWICKCOUNTY.ORG/SHERIFF/ To leave a tip with Crime Stoppers, call (316) 267-2111, or submit a tip using the P3 Tips mobile app. You may also leave a tip by website at www.wichitasedgwickcountycrimestoppers.com. No one will ever ask your name.